Fast and Distributed Hybrid Cloud Storage

Unified access to all files, for all locations and remote workers

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Your Files…Everywhere You Need Them. Local Access for Global Files

Resilio Platform presents a common and consistent view of your corporate file system across all locations and remote workers.  Resilio Platform provides unified local access to all of your files, everywhere you need them. 

Local changes are automatically and continuously synchronized back to the corporate office or cloud alongside other offices and remote workers. Selective Sync enables remote workers to download only the data they need while providing on-demand access to other files.

Selective Sync enables remote workers to download only the data they need while providing on-demand access to other files.
Works with the Storage You Already Have. Cloud or On Premise storage.

Works with the Storage You Already Have

You don’t have to throw away your trusted storage platform or migrate your valuable data. Resilio Platform works in your existing environment with no operational disruption, so you can get going fast.

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High Performance, 10+Gbps Edge Synchronization

Your Hybrid Cloud solution must operate in the real world and overcome many challenging use cases. Long distances. High latency. Unreliable networks. Intermittent connectivity. Many locations. Unpredictable circumstances. You need your data available anywhere and everywhere it might be needed…now.  

Resilio Platform was built for the edge and delivers 10+Gbps speeds using our proprietary Zero Gravity Transport technology. Data synchronization happens faster and more reliably at the edge, ensuring your hybrid cloud workflows never slow down.

Full Control with Multi-vendor, per Endpoint Policies

Controlling resource utilization at the edge is important for any hybrid cloud solution. The solution must accommodate a variety of local infrastructure and deliver policies that ensure business-critical applications at these locations are not impaired. Resilio Platform delivers fine-grained bandwidth management policy control at each endpoint to ensure critical applications retain priority use of limited local infrastructure.

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Edge-to-Edge Performance

Most Hybrid Cloud providers use legacy hub-and-spoke architectures where data is sent to the cloud before it can be accessed by others.  This limits performance while increasing costs as egress fees from the cloud are assessed for delivery to every location. Resilio Platform leverages a distributed mesh architecture and can be configured to deliver data edge-to-edge, minimizing cloud egress charges and eliminating performance bottlenecks at the hub.

Protect Against Vendor “Lock-In”

Your data is yours…period. Hybrid cloud solutions should never become the next wave of vendor “lock-in”, trading one proprietary solution for another. Resilio Platform was designed to work seamlessly across data storage solutions and cloud providers.  Data is never stored in a proprietary format, so you maintain control of your data, no matter what.

Extend the Lifetime of your Trusted Storage Solution

Infrastructure upgrades are expensive and time-consuming, but data growth rates in the enterprise force expansion whether you’re ready or not. Resilio Platform provides the opportunity to extend the life of your existing storage deployment even in the face of data growth.

With the ability to tier storage in the cloud and leverage high-performance on-premise data center storage on active workflows, you get a cost-effective and scalable storage solution without impacting performance.

Infinite Public Cloud and Private Cloud Data Management Scalability

Resilio Platform leverages cost-effective public Cloud object storage or on-premise storage to deliver a hybrid storage architecture with infinite scalability.

Policies free up high-performance primary data storage at the edge and allow storage managers to defer costly upgrades while extending the life of existing storage infrastructure.

Multi-Cloud (Public Cloud, Private Cloud) Protection

Business continuity plans should never rely on a single cloud provider.  Keeping critical data synchronized in an alternative cloud ensures migration and switchover costs will be minimized if needed.  Multi-cloud is a prudent insurance policy, disaster recovery and business continuity plan.  It can also be a competitive advantage as you leverage “best of breed” capabilities across providers to outperform the market. Resilio Platform supports Amazon AWS S3, Microsoft Azure Blob, Google Cloud Storage, IBM, Wasabi, Oracle, and any other S3-compatible object storage.

Resilio Platform can keep multiple clouds in continuous sync from all edge locations, ensuring you always have critical data in multiple clouds.

Hybrid Cloud, for Each Endpoint

Some hybrid cloud infrastructure solutions can only provide file access via an appliance using Server Message Block (SMB) or Network File System (NFS).  Aside from added complexity, this limits the performance of the solution and associated workflows when data is large or the number of local users is significant.  It also represents a significant expense and overhead with each office needing a dedicated file server. Remote workers accessing files from home still have to connect through a VPN in order to get access to the file server.  

Resilio Platform can greatly simplify hybrid cloud deployments and deliver global file accessibility directly on each local endpoint.  Users see a performance boost with access to high performance, direct-attached SSD storage, making it the ideal solution for large data or high-performance workflows.

"We were able to turn around graphic proofs quicker based on our staff’s availability, versus forcing it through a bottleneck at a specific office. Resilio Platform has made us more efficient" — Ken Brubacher, Project Manager.
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“Our engineers deployed a successful test version in an hour - without reading a ton of manuals - that delivered the best result of all the solutions we tried” — Roman Sakno, Enterprise Architect at Wargaming.
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"If we bought about 40 additional servers it would have been pretty expensive. Resilio is a much cheaper solution for us right now." — Mario Jost, Systems Engineer @Mercedes-Benz
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"Resilio Platform enables us to reliably distribute our code, specifically new language models in a fraction of time. These copy jobs now take an hour, down from eight."— Christian Bryndum, VoiceBase’s Director of Operations
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