BitTorrent Sync Beta API Now Available to Developers

Data centralization has become the issue of our Internet age: the right (the wrong) of governments and corporations to store, sell, and spy on citizen data. We rely on the Stacks. We rely on their servers. We don’t have to.

Decentralized syncing can change the way the Internet works, for good: creating efficiencies, hardcoding privacy, and ending infrastructure dependencies.

Since we launched BitTorrent Sync (Resilio Sync), we’ve seen more than a million people pick up the technology. And we’ve seen Sync at work in countless awesome and unpredictable ways: powering free speech projects, backing new blogging platforms, and improving team workflows. This is the Internet’s next wave of innovation. In partnership with the dev community, we want to build it.

Today, we’re releasing the BitTorrent Sync Beta API. The new API will allow developers to create distributed social media, communications, and enterprise apps on top of the platform. It’s designed to work across major operating systems; including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Key features available to developers through the API:

Support for syncing selected files only: developers can choose whether to sync specific items, or entire folders

UI-less mode: the new API allows developers to seamlessly integrate Sync (and all its functionality), without having to use the default UI.

Encryption Secrets: these new secrets make it possible to store an encrypted copy of all your folders on a remote server, so you can build a private cloud.

Test out the API, and let us know what you think. We’ve set up a developer forum to keep the conversation going, and to help answer any questions you might have along the way. Select developer initiatives will be supported by the BitTorrent Acceleration Program.

Sign up to start using the Sync API.

Happy coding,

The BitTorrent Sync Team


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Additional Resources

Resilio Connect for Server Sync

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